We had so much fun at last years "Build Your Own" workshop that was held at the Paradise tattoo show that we decided to offer it again October 16th, 2010. This year we will be holding it at the Pulse homebase here in Connecticut and SOBA will be flying in for the workshop. We will be covering a wide range of machine topics over the course of the day.

The hours will run from 10am to 5pm and we plan to cover a lot of ground. The biggest part of day will be building machines and you can choose from any of our Pulse Machines or any the Workhorse Irons SOBA machines. We will take you step by step through our process when we build and let you in on all the things we think about at each stage of the build. This will be followed by a tuning session so you can get your machines to run where you would like them to.

There will also be a great session where SOBA and Brett from Pulse will go through many other machine designs and point out there strengths and weaknesses and explain how they were made and how the material and geometry effect each machine. They will have tons of example to run and examine.

Also for the first time ever we will be offering a facility tour of Pulse with demos of coil winding, soldering and prototyping. The whole Pulse family will be there to host these demos and mini seminars. Co-founder Tim Brewer will be in the house along with master builder Alex Benoit and super solderer Joe Sherry. All sessions will have question and answer forums.

Along with all the info we are going to stuff into your head we will be revealing a special anniversary edition Pulse machine collaboration with SOBA that very day. We are also going to pack up a fantastic bag full of goodies for you to take home with your new machines. Also lunch is on us and we will have complimentary beverages through out the day.

Along with all the grizzy men talking about tattoo machines, we will sweeten the day with appearances from Katie and Jessica to tell funny stories about crazy customers and maybe bring some of their soon to be famous chocolate bacon cupcakes.
We will have very limited seating for this event so please call to reserve your spot. The whole day + machine is going to be $400. and we are taking reservations now. Call us at Pulse 888.824.5529 reservations require a 25% deposit. We can't wait to see you October 16th, 2010- this is going to be a major amount of fun.